
Category Archives for "Resource"

Can Cycling Shorts Be Used For Swimming

Cycling shorts are designed to provide comfort and support while riding a bike, but can they also be used for swimming? The answer is yes! While cycling shorts are not typically made of swim-specific fabric, they can still be worn in the water. Cycling shorts are not made for swimming, but they can be used […]

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Can You Wear Cycling Shoes Without Cleats

Cycling shoes are designed to be worn with cleats that clip into the pedals. However, it is possible to wear cycling shoes without cleats. This can be useful if you want to use your cycling shoes for other activities, such as walking or running. If you do not have cleats, you will need to buy […]

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Why Dont Mountain Bikes Have Kickstands

Mountain bikes are designed for off-road riding, and as such, they don’t generally come equipped with kickstands. There are a few reasons for this. First, mountain bikes are typically ridden over rough terrain, which can make it difficult to deploy a kickstand. Second, mountain bikes are often ridden in areas where there is no flat […]

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Why Do Some Bikes Not Have Kickstands

Bicycles are a common means of transportation, and many people rely on them to get around. However, not all bicycles have kickstands. There are several reasons why some bikes do not have kickstands. One reason is that they are not necessary for all types of riding. For example, if you are only going to be […]

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Can You Use Car Brake Fluid In A Mountain Bike

Have you ever wondered if you can use car brake fluid in a mountain bike? The answer is yes, but there are some things you need to know first. Car brake fluid is designed for cars, not bikes, so it’s important to understand the differences between the two before using it in your bike. Here’s […]

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How Are Road Bike Handlebars Measured

There are a few ways to measure road bike handlebars. The most common method is to use a tape measure. Start by measuring the distance from the center of the stem to the outside edge of the drop (the part of the bar that angles down). This measurement is typically between 38 and 42 centimeters. […]

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Can Road Bikes Go Off Road

Off-road riding is a great way to explore the outdoors and get some exercise, but you might be wondering if your road bike can handle it. The good news is that most road bikes can go off-road, as long as you’re careful and don’t push them too hard. With wider tires and stronger brakes, road […]

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Can You Use Copper Grease On Bikes

Copper grease is a lubricant that can be used on bikes. It is made from copper particles suspended in a grease base. This makes it ideal for use on bearings, gears and other moving parts that need to be lubricated. Make sure your bike is clean and dry before applying copper grease Apply a small […]

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Why Are Cycling Shoes So Expensive

Cycling shoes are so expensive because they are designed to be very lightweight and stiff. This stiffness is necessary for efficient pedaling. The soles of cycling shoes are also very stiff in order to provide good power transfer to the pedal. In addition, cycling shoes often have special features such as ventilation and quick-drying fabrics […]

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Why Bicycle Spokes Break

If you have ever had a spoke break on your bicycle, you know how frustrating it can be. Not only does it make your ride less enjoyable, but it can also be dangerous. So why do bicycle spokes break? There are actually a few reasons why this happens. Bicycle spokes are one of the most […]

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